Monday, February 25, 2008

Favorite things: now in Retail!

I decided to steer the "Favorite Things" away from food this time, but when I look at the list I'm compiling, it's like 90% food. I'd have to say that if I just had to list my favorite things generically they would be good food, movies, technology, and art. I've almost completely stopped listening to music, which is strange since it was such an important part of my life for a while. I think I just got burnt out.

Anyway, today's favorite thing is Scarecrow Video. This video store is in the U-District in Seattle, and was a key point in Mike's campaign of trickery to get me to move to Seattle.

The moment I walked into the rather daunting store, I ran toward one of the old ugly bookshelves--packed to the gills with movies-- and hugged it. "It's organized by director!" I was pretty much sold. When we first moved here, Scarecrow had more titles than Netflix (Netflix has since surpassed scarecrow, but I choose scarecrow any day.)

When we first moved here and didn't live close to the store, we went a couple of times just to get weird movies we'd heard about that we couldn't get at blockbuster. We felt like serious hipsters when we went to rent "Audition" (way before it got seriously popularized in the US, and released on DVD). The VHS cassette we rented had a $300 damage deposit. Oh yes, we were in the big leagues now! The movie was just as awesome (and gruesome) as we had hoped it would be, and the deposit felt like membership in a secret society. Sure any schlub off the street can get audition on DVD now, and it probably looks better and has all kinds of special features, but there is nothing secret or special about a mass-market DVD.

Anyway, I'm really just procrastinating here to avoid doing homework, so I should get back to it. Looks like posts are going to be every couple of weeks, dear readers. I guess that's what happens when you take 25 credits.

1 comment:

seth.loves.seth said...

*koff koff* who *koff* first *koff* pushed you towards *koff koff koff* miike *koff*


My Favorite Things

  • Food: Simply Apple (Apple Juice)
  • Food: Smith Brothers Farms Chocolate Milk
  • Food: Smith Brothers Farms Sour Cream
  • Retailer: Scarecrow Video