Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I just got back from Hawaii, and it was, for the most part, a great trip. Despite some initial problems (like Hawaiian Airlines losing my luggage for a few hours, a stained rental car, and a few bugs in the house) the trip turned out to be great.

I had some wonderful meals (most notably Roy's on Hawaii Kai and Sushi Sasabune downtown) swam in some perfect water, relaxed in the hot tub, read a few books and watched a few movies. Overall, that's my kind of vacation.

I've finally taken the time to update my books read and movies watched list. Since I haven't been super diligent about keeping up with them, the dates are a bit foggy for some of the items, but what can you do?

I've started my last quarter of college, and I'm really excited. I'm taking some classes I think I'm really going to enjoy (Project Management, Software User Assistance, Biopsychology, and Senior Portfolio) and my schedule is just about as good as any college student could hope for: I have NO classes on Mondays or Fridays, and my Tuesday and Thursday classes are right in a row, and don't start until 11:30. Of course, my token Wednesday class is at 9:00am, but you can't win them all.

My GPA took a bit of a dip with geography and sociobiology last quarter, but I didn't even come close to failing--which some of you know was an actual concern I had for a moment there. Hopefully this quarter I'll be able to pull of perfect (or near perfect grades) and get my GPA back up into cum laude territory. Otherwise, I'll just have to be satisfied with a piece of paper, but seriously, after ten years, I'll take it.

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My Favorite Things

  • Food: Simply Apple (Apple Juice)
  • Food: Smith Brothers Farms Chocolate Milk
  • Food: Smith Brothers Farms Sour Cream
  • Retailer: Scarecrow Video