Friday, June 22, 2007


in my duties have I been. (Feeling a little yoda-ish today).

Setting up for my summer job is a rather time consuming task. Yesterday I worked non-stop from 8:00am to 9:30pm. My food yesterday consisted of one slice of pizza and a bowl of cinnamon life (which I ate at 9:30).

I love being busy, but the first thing to go seems to be food--which is why I usually weigh less when I am stressed out. At this point, that cannot be a bad thing, but I do need to eat something. I see a salad in my future.

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My Favorite Things

  • Food: Simply Apple (Apple Juice)
  • Food: Smith Brothers Farms Chocolate Milk
  • Food: Smith Brothers Farms Sour Cream
  • Retailer: Scarecrow Video