Thursday, June 14, 2007

Day 2 of my life in the blogosphere

So, last night I had a wonderful time with my main Seattle homie, Steven. We went to Machiavelli in Capitol Hill, where we had the spinach ravioli and the spinach lasagna, then we went to Neumos to see Yacht and Architecture in Helsinki.

a) this concert made me feel old. In fact, we were approached by another oldster, who asked us if she was "required" to go inside when the doors opened, or if she could just wait and come back when the show started. Then she made some kind of comment about us all being old. I'm sure she was trying to instill some sense of comeraderie, but it was lost on me, as I was busy being perplexed by what kind of person over the age of 16 doesn't know how a concert works.

b) that place is f*ing hot. And I don't mean that in a "good" way. I mean hot, like sweaty, smelly, tight, cramped, strangers rubbing their sweat on you--hot. I'm so glad I stood on the old people balcony and wasn't down on the ground slogging it out with the kiddies, I'm sure I would have punched one of them in the face.

c) Yacht was strange. He's apparently the same age as me, which makes me feel a little proud to be a 10th year college student, because there are so many other (strange) things I could be. He basically dropped some beats on his Mac, sings the same 10 words over and over, and runs around the stage like a maniac. I didn't know how to feel about all of this. I just don't understand what the kids are listening to these days. I felt like maybe it was all some elaborate joke. Like in 10 years, we're going to find out that Yacht was a performance artist whose motivation was to see how much BS people would pay $15 to see. As far as I could tell from the balcony, he did have exceptionally nice teeth.

d) Architecture in Helsinki was pretty good. I really like their sound, it reminds me a little of some 80's groups that I LOVE, although I fail to see the "grunge" influence to their sound. I can't imagine someone who likes Nirvana, for example, also liking Architecture for Helsinki, or being pleased to find it recommended to them on Amazon. First of all: they wear too many colors. Their sound is way more psychedelic than grungy. Okay, maybe they're not totally obsessed with showering or shaving; but I'm pretty sure that's not the sole requirement for grunge.

As for Teen Witch, there is one movie that stands the test of time. It was already ridiculous in 1989, so in 2007, it's awesomeness is just magnified to the Nth degree. As far as I remember in 1989 (and bear with me, I was 9) when you became the "most popular girl" you didn't have signs with your name all over school. I'm also pretty sure that there was no spontaneous choreography, or white-boy rap battles, although I really wish there were.

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My Favorite Things

  • Food: Simply Apple (Apple Juice)
  • Food: Smith Brothers Farms Chocolate Milk
  • Food: Smith Brothers Farms Sour Cream
  • Retailer: Scarecrow Video